Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mandy - my bright and cheery little mother

Mandy is our mother doggie.  She is little and fierce, and the biggest love ever.  Today she made me laugh, which is not unusual but this time it was over rawhide.
I let them out at night just before I go to bed, it gives them one more shot to do their business, and me a little bit of piece of mind.  Tonight instead of coming right in when she was called, she stayed out there.  This is not normal, she usually comes right in and goes straight to her kennel and waits for her treat.  This time though, she just laid out there in the grass.  It took me a bit to see what she was doing, but she was chewing on her rawhide, quite enthusiastically.  Rather than bringing it inside with her, she was torn between coming in and staying out there to chew that piece of rawhide into the ground.

My fur babies like to drag their chew toys outside, but they never bring them back in, ugh.  It seems that I will be picking up after them for ever since they haven't yet learned this little trick.

1 comment:

  1. Your dogs are just so funny! Well at least she found a treasure!


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