Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas Eve celebration

fire going in the fireplace

Present under the tree

ornaments properly hung on the tree

New dinner napkins

table set for a feast

All the usual suspects in one group shot

I know I'm a bit late in posting these pictures, but our computer got a virus, and so I did not have access to these for a while.  We have a new computer now, thank you to my father-in-law, and hopefully our laptop will be functioning again soon.

We all have our family traditions, some we keep and pass down, some we inherit from our new families, some we all create together.  Our tradition of Christmas Eve dinner at our place, and Christmas day at my sister-in-laws place, these are fun new traditions that I look forward to each year.

The presents change, people grow, but the love of family remains.


  1. I love that you had a wonderful Christmas with family. Great photos

  2. Thank you! I was hoping that the photos would turn out.


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