I'm sure that everyone is already hammering out their New Years resolutions, exercise more, eat less, diet, loose so many pounds, etc. I'm not one for making big changes like that, throwing out plastic and switching to glass is one thing, but to do an upheaval of my habits overnight...let's be realistic. I know better than to think that I will keep up with a major new plan, so I will make small simple changes. Something like: I will continue my healthy eating and continue to try new healthy foods. I will incorporate a new fitness routine to add some spark back into exercising. I will try making my own aluminum free deodorant when my current one runs out. These are small steps toward my goal of being healthy, and I'm pretty sure I can continue with them through out the year. I could also try to add another 10 minute routine to my workouts, but I will be gentle on myself if that one doesn't stick as well as i would hope. I had already started to walk around the parking lot when I take my breaks, that started last year. I've done well except when it rains or I'm not feeling well in general. So maybe adding a 10 minute routine at the beginning or ending of my day will be something I can stick with.
What resolutions have you made for yourself? Are these massive plans? Are they for health, or for family, etc. I know some people should resolve to make more time for their family, and yet this one would be as difficult for them as my saying I was going to train for a marathon. Small steps are good, they are the things that become habits, and become a part of what you do, instead of some massive overhaul.
I've been cleaning out closets, and old Christmas decorations that I am no longer using. This is the best time to toss them, as I have just been cleaning up the things I've used. It feels good to refresh these things and donate the things that I no longer use, but are still good enough for others to appreciate.
Now, about the exercise routine. I have had this in the past, but lost it somehow. I found it again while shopping at Marshalls, the price is much better there than online. I liked it, and yoga and pilates are good for those of us with PCOS, and just people in general. There is something about being centered and balanced that helps us develop more than just our flexibility and strength. I thought that this was a beginning to intermediate work out, it does a lot of core exercises, and my stomach is in need of that attention. It is not a cardio routine, but a matt routine focusing on strength. The setting is beautiful, and it is relaxing even if the movements are strenuous. Now I will have something newish to work out with in my new work out clothes I got for Christmas.
Here are some helpful ways of getting past your worries of starting yoga
InCyst: How to become yoga friendly
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InCyst: So you think you cant do yoga because...
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