Friday, July 23, 2010

About Work....

It's hot and stuffy here in my office.  I have a lovely view, but I roast in the summer.  
Usually Fridays are a catch up for the week, but not today.  Today all of our clients decided that it was time to send in everything that I have been asking for, oh joy.  
I'm so excited.  
I thought I would send a shout out to the universe for help, but no one wanted to assist, so now I'm whining.  I'm glad that I have what I needed, but now I'm swamped.  If only these blessings would come spaced out a bit, but no, it's all in one lump sum.
Have a great weekend all, I'll be starting mine a bit late today.


  1. Your job should be picking up now that the economy hasn't picked up the way they thought it would. Sorry that your job is so hot right now!

  2. It's been miserably hot in my office, there are times I walk outside to cool off. ugh.

    here is a blog I think you might like - she had a very hard time getting pregnant and ended up adopting - they are now working on adopting their second!

  4. Thank you, I love her blog. You also have me hooked on Cakewrecks!


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