Monday, June 7, 2010

Thoughts never far from my mind

"So... I just won the "This Is Me" video contest! My "What IF?" video, re-cut with some different titles and no music, was selected as the Grand Prize Winner!" Your Health Story -  video by Keiko Zoll

This video makes me cry, every time I see it.  She has a blog here as well, and I read her postings Hannah Wept Sarah Laughed.  I can understand why she won, it was very well done.  The zooming in and out would have driven my mother nuts, but it does add to the video, it's sort of the heart beat, the questions pounding in your brain.

My darling and I are not in a position to spend wildly on any medical assisted approaches, and so here I am.  I have been doing medifast to loose the weight, but along the way I became discouraged.  I'm working on picking myself up again, my coach only refers me to a book, and not one that I can honestly say deals with my situation.  I'm not even sure if I can stay on Medifast, that may have to go by the wayside too.  I have another plan though, one from another consult and her plan was to eat for pregnancy not for weightloss, but she still managed to work that in for me too.  It was difficult going to eat with a skinny dietitian, but she was kind and helpful.

I have dreams, I have goals, and I am taking steps to achieve each of these.  My art is a dream at this point, because it has not taken off to an amazing career yet, but it's better to start slow and build up rather than get thrown into the fire, it really would be to much pressure on me.  

Today is bright and sunny, and I'm here melancholy.  I would like to change this mood quickly.  So, I think I will share some of the changes that have been made in our house. 

1 - I've stopped using any form of plastic in the microwave.  This means my microcookers from pampered chef are no longer in use.

2- I've stopped using regular spaghetti or lasagne noodles, we use whole wheat. Even though right now if i use any noodles they are the Shiritake noodles that are even less in carbs.  I've gotten my dear hubby used to whole wheat, so that when I can eat them again we will both be eating a more fiber filled noodle.

3- We've swtiched out lights to the energy savings ones.  Not really a food change, but it does feel better to be more consious in all areas of our lives.

4 - I've been including spinach into more and more things we eat. Not just salads, but in our spaghetti sauce and other things I bake. I've even heard that you can blend them into your shakes, I have not tried it yet.

5 - I take flax oil and fish oil.  I use the Barleans versions because they just taste better. Barleans Omega Swirl

Trusty Fish oil

And the Flax oil

6- I've been trying to change dear hubby over from white rice to brown, but we are having issues with that change, I can manage a half and half rice mix.  So, right now I've given that up since I can't have rice right now. 

7- I'm taking Vitamin D, which I need to take with the fatty meal, so it will break down in my system.  I have been taking it at the same time I take these other oils, it makes sense to me.

There have been other changes, but I can't think of all of them right now. 
In the end though, she is right Sarah was blessed with a child. 


  1. With each step you come closer to your dreams and a better healthier you.
    Hubby and I are back on our more health conscious life styles.
    I am losing again and so is he.

    my daughter is bald ;(

  2. I'm so sorry about your bald daughter! That is so sad, she had gorgeous hair!
    I'm glad that you are back on a more health conscious lifestyle, I want you both to be healthy.


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